A4MT is a company specializing in the deployment of engagement and market transformation programs.
Our conviction: we won't succeed in the transition by imposing change solely from the top down - managerial or political - but by arousing the appetite of individuals/citizens/consumers for new practices.
to new practices. To make the low-carbon transition acceptable and sustainable, top-down and bottom-up approaches need to converge, thanks to federating programs.
To support players in the widespread adoption of virtuous practices, we act via several programmatic entry points:
- Consuming less materials and energy
- Better use of materials and energy
Our method: When the implementation of solutions goes beyond each player in the value chain in particular, but also the public authorities, the transformation is carried out with a pioneering group that works together to overcome its blockages and create the new collective reference. In this way, we work towards the emergence of viable, more virtuous practices.
Renewable energies, low-carbon architecture and life sciences - Come and discuss our collective action programs.
Come and meet us on our stand E16 and discover some of our collective programs that get real estate players moving:
- Le Booster des Energies Renouvelables et de Récupération dans les b timents: a collective action launched in the context of the energy crisis to unlock the energy potential of real estate assets through test & learn.
- Le Booster du Réemploi: large-scale operational action to develop and structure the demand for reused materials and massify the prescription of reuse on real estate projects.
- The UNISSON(S) movement: mobilizing to bring together all the professions involved in decarbonized architecture, revisiting our relationship with nature and our individual needs. Following in the footsteps of the New European Bauhaus, UNISSON(S) is spearheading a movement for low-carbon, living architecture.
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