Talent Afternoon

Talent Afternoon
Wednesday, October 9: 2 - 6 p.m.

The Talent Afternoon, free of charge on presentation of a valid student card or proof of job search, returns on Wednesday October 9 between 2pm and 6pm. SIBCA will become the focal point for SIBCA exhibitors and students, graduates and professionals looking for work, to encourage meetings between exhibitors and industry talent. This is a key moment for exhibitors to showcase the career opportunities offered by the low-carbon transformation of the real estate and construction sector.

This afternoon will welcome students from leading business, architecture, urban planning and engineering schools, as well as experienced professionals. Through a dedicated content program, they will have the opportunity to listen to industry leaders present the low-carbon professions and recruitment needs essential to carrying out their ambitious projects. The afternoon will be structured around a series of trade pitches and dedicated conferences.

Are you in contact with the schools that train your future employees? Are you looking for certain types of profiles? Share your needs with us! Our mission? To help you find the talent you need.


Starting at 2 p.m.

Salle Gabriel - Conference

Low-carbon expectations of users, needs of companies and adaptation of training courses

With Denis Burckel, Associate University Professor, Head of the Real Estate Management - Finance specialization, Director of the Executive MBA Real Estate - Paris Dauphine-PSL ; Bruno Mesureur, Civil Construction Engineer, Head of the International Module of the Mastère Spécialisé® Immobilier et Bâtiment Durables - École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Salle Lescot - Trade pitches

The challenges and technical skill requirements of the "decarbonized" value chain

Moderated by Ludovic Legendre, RICS member and Chairman of Agileres

Salle Delorme - Conference

What are the challenges, trends and promising professions in sustainable real estate in 2024-2025?

With Emmanuel Cazier, Co-founder, Managing partner - Haussmann Executive Search ; Anne-Claire Barberi, Head of CSR & Innovation - Perial ; Walid Goudiard, Founding Partner - Sarment

Starting at 2:30 p.m.

Sustainable Real Estate Fresco - Discovery Workshop

Salle des Sommets

Come and discover the Sustainable Real Estate Fresco at SIBCA!

Launched by the IDO in partnership with ENPC, this awareness-raising workshop is aimed at all players in the real estate value chain. Lasting 3 hours, it provides an entertaining way to learn about the major challenges facing the industry in the face of the ecological transition, the regulatory framework, and the various existing solutions.

We offer 30-minute slots to give you an overview of the themes addressed during this fresco, and to discuss the social and environmental challenges facing the sector.
4 sessions: 2:30pm-3pm - 3pm-3:30pm - 3:30pm-4pm - 4pm-4:30pm

With Chloé Bertrand, Senior Project Manager - IDO; Charlotte Gripon, Partnership and Label'ID Program Manager - IDO

Starting at 3 p.m.

Salle Gabriel - Conference

Decarbonizing real estate: design, construction, operation and reuse

With Christine Guinebretière, Founder - Upcyclea ; Pauline Koch, Founder - Sitowie ; Jean-Christophe Pierron, Founder - Vestack ; Edouard Dequeker, Professor, Sustainable Real Estate Chair - ESSEC

Salle Lescot - Business pitches

What new professions?

Moderated by Ludovic Legendre, RICS member and president of Agileres

Salle Delorme - Conference

Facility Management 4.0: Digital tools for a low-carbon transition

With Cathy Veil, Lecturer and Researcher in Management Sciences - Member of the DICEN-Idf laboratory, EA7339 - Head of the Management, Innovation & Service Engineering department - Université Gustave Eiffel ; Sylvie Mercier, Phd, Master MIS Management Innovation des Services (Nouvelles Technologies et Immobilier), Université Gustave Eiffel ; Joël Larousse, Administration and Resources Manager - One Sustainable Health for All Foundation

Starting at 3:20 p.m.

Urban Plan Challenge game by ULI

Salle Lenôtre

Urban Plan is a fun, dynamic program, a serious game that unfolds over the course of a day, encouraging high school students to become deeply involved in the complex process of making decisions impacting the urban and built environment: it encourages them to play an active role as engaged citizens, fostering the creation of better, more sustainable communities.

Urban Plan is in line with Urban Land Institute's social purpose, which is at the heart of its mission.

Since its launch 15 years ago, the Urban Plan program has reached over 43,000 students and more than 1,500 experienced members worldwide, who have shared their experiences of using land and buildings more responsibly and sustainably. As the program has developed strongly abroad, our aim is to roll it out on a large scale in France, particularly in priority education districts.

From 4 p.m.

Salle Gabriel - Conference

The ecological transition of sustainable building will not happen without continuous training

With Corentin de Montmarin, Educational Director - Institut Supérieur de l'Environnement (ISE) ; Cathy Veil, Lecturer and Researcher in Management Sciences - Member of the DICEN-Idf laboratory, EA7339 - Head of the Management, Innovation & Service Engineering department - Université Gustave Eiffel; Samuel Perricaud, Training Engineer, attached to the Continuing Professional Education Department - Université Gustave Eiffel.

Salle Lescot - Trade pitches

The call of the wood: trades of the future?

Moderated by Ludovic Legendre, RICS member and Chairman of Agileres

Salle Delorme - Conference

Ecology in architecture schools, between teaching and research

With Dimitri Toubanos, Senior Lecturer at ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine / Teacher at ENSA Paris-Belleville, Co-director of the EVCAU laboratory / Associate Researcher at the LIAT laboratory, Coordinator of the EnsaÉco Scientific and Educational Network - HMONP architect - Sciences Po urban planner - Doctor of Architecture; Philippe Villien, Co-pilot of the ENSAéco Scientific and Educational Network for Architecture, teacher at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville, researcher UMR AUSser 3329 - Architect DPLG, urban planner, landscape architect, Doctor of Architecture.


Our partner schools and student associations

École nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
ENSA Paris-Est
ENSA Paris-La Villette
ENSA Paris-Malaquais
Green Management School
HEI Junia
INSA Rennes
INSA Strasbourg
KEDGE Bordeaux
Sciences Po - Urban School
Gustave Eiffel University

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