France Ciment is the professional organization representing the cement industry in France. It brings together manufacturers of hydraulic binders such as cements, hydraulic limes, road binders and geotechnical binders. It is home to Cimbéton, a center of expertise that supports construction players in technical applications of cement and concrete. Cimbéton's main mission is to help construction professionals take advantage of innovative practices and regulatory changes, in order to
to "do better by using less and better materials".
The cement industry is engaged in a profound transformation to go further and faster in achieving its carbon neutrality objectives.
Achieving carbon neutrality in the construction sector is a structuring ambition that relies on the collective efforts of all those involved in the construction industry to integrate environmental considerations into every stage of a project's life cycle.
There is no single solution for reducing the carbon footprint of buildings and structures. The levers exist, and there are many of them: reducing the impact of each component and material, logistics, design, sobriety to build better with less... "Using less means using better, by integrating more innovative processes or rethinking the design of structures.
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