SYbois is an industrial manufacturer of wood-frame walls, facades and floors made from bio-sourced materials, including veneers, insulation and joinery, for both new-build and renovation projects, for single-family homes, multi-family housing and commercial buildings.
All this in an environmentally-friendly way, while benefiting from the mastery of off-site manufacturing and the latest innovations of the MILLET Group, of which it is a part.
3 products:
Symob : The contemporary wall . Tour Sylva project (currently under construction), 6500m² of bio-sourced walls. Certification eligibility: RT2012, NF HQE: Excellent (9+)
SYfob : The signature façade . Arboretum project (2021-2023), nearly 18,000m² of low-carbon facades. Label BBCA - Level Excellent, Label E+ C- Level E2C2
SYnov: The metamorphosis of b ti, Thiais Project ( currently underway ), 4000m² of biosourced facades for thermal renovation.
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