The forestry-wood industry supports contractors and clients in the construction and renovation of buildings using wood materials.
Come and talk to our experts and consult the technical documents available in the CODIFAB library.
CODIFAB and its member professional organizations - CAPEB, UICB, UMB-FFB, UIPC, UIPP and UFME - are looking forward to meeting you at the Filière Forêt-Bois CODIFAB stand, to exchange ideas and discover the tools and actions designed for you. The CNDB and the FCBA will also be present to animate the collective space and present their actions carried out with the support of the CODIFAB.
The mission of CODIFAB, Comité Professionnel de Développement des Industries Françaises de l'Ameublement et du Bois (Professional Committee for the Development of the French Furniture and Wood Industries), is to use the proceeds of the Taxe Affectée (earmarked tax) to conduct and finance public-interest initiatives in favor of French manufacturers of furniture and fittings, and wood products (joinery, carpentry, panels, laminated wood, CLT, timber frames, etc.). CODIFAB brings together 4,200 SMEs and over 10,000 craftsmen, represented by their professional organizations:
l'Ameublement français
Panneaux de Process UIPP / Groupement de l'Ameublement français
l'Union Nationale de l'Artisanat des métiers de l'Ameublement (UNAMA)
Union of Joinery Manufacturers (UFME)
Union des Industriels et Constructeurs Bois (UICB) (Union of Wood Manufacturers and Builders)
Union of Plywood Industries (UIPC)
Union des Métiers du Bois de la Fédération Française du B timent (UMB - FFB)
Union Nationale Artisanale Charpente Menuiserie Agencement of the Confédération de l'Artisanat et des Petites Entreprises du B timent (UNA - CMA - CAPEB).
The aim of the collective actions is to support companies in the creation, production and marketing of new products by: better disseminating innovation and new technologies, adapting to market needs and environmental standards, promotion, international development, training, and by any study or initiative of interest to the profession as a whole.
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