Since the agency was founded in 1979, Architecture Pelegrin has been deeply involved in environmental issues and the development of digital design tools, focusing primarily on housing and commercial buildings. Aware that project time is rarely the time for innovation, the agency is actively involved in R&D projects as part of research contracts (PUCA, ADEME, FBE, etc.). These always combine energy, environmental and digital transitions for both new-build and refurbishment projects, whether on a building or block scale, enabling the pooling of grey matter and materials and generating significant economies of scale. This research work enriches the agency's day-to-day practice and, for each project, develops social, economic and technical innovations.
Extension of a 32-studio student residence using the right material in the right place for the right purpose (steel-wood-concrete) - Client: HSF / Contractor: SNERCT
From project to completion, we maintain a constant dialogue with the client, design engineers, manufacturers and contractors. We pay close attention to the value of use, to the search for reasoned innovation, and to respecting deadlines and budgets, with a "global cost" approach. All our projects are developed using BIM from the sketch stage onwards, enabling us to simulate environmental performance (compactness, orientation, choice of construction systems, choice of bio-sourced materials, etc.) and thermal performance (summer comfort, solar masks, cooling islands, etc.) at every stage.
Architecture Pelegrin is a member of BBCA, Alliance HQE-GBC, Plan Batiment Durable, Club de l'Amélioration de l'Habitat, ADIVBOIS, ARCHINOV, AMO, COBATY...
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