Virtuo Industrial property is an independent, responsible company with a mission, specializing in industrial and logistics real estate. As a committed company, Virtuo supports its customers in the design, implementation and management of sustainable industrial and logistics platforms through an innovative and virtuous approach that encourages selected logistics to limit environmental impact and support the local economy.
This is our raison d'être: "We consciously revitalize areas that are conducive to the emergence of a chosen logistics".
Certified BREEAM Excellent, this new 31,000 m² positive-energy platform is perfectly in line with Virtuo's mission-driven approach, reducing its carbon footprint by 20%.
Le V. Park Chevroliere (44): an exemplary Net Zero Carbon Logistics Platform certified to Breeam excellent level.
A ZERO net emissions approach (for the construction perimeter) that has proved its worth:
On the strength of our experience over the last 2 years with our pilot project "V.Park Compans", a sorting center for Colis Privé in the Paris region (delivered in 2022), for which we achieved our objective of contributing to carbon neutrality, and which at the time focused all the innovations and thinking of Virtuo's V.Lab, we naturally applied this approach and even pushed the cursor further (particularly on the photovoltaic aspect) with this 2nd logistics platform project in the Nantes region.
This latest-generation 31,937 m² logistics platform (including 1,070 m² of office space) is located on a 64,777 m² site, and was designed by the AECO architectural firm, while the project management was entrusted to AREA. The platform has 5 cells, 31 dock doors and was developed with the support of GRAND LIEU COMMUNAUTE. Built on behalf of ZIEGLER FRANCE and THEBAULT LOGISTIQUE, it now embodies VIRTUO's Net ZERO Carbone approach, within the scope of the building's construction. Launched in May 2022, this project has benefited from the innovations and thinking of VIRTUO's V.Lab, created in 2021 specifically to meet the objective of contributing to the carbon neutrality of the b timents developed by the company.
BREEAM Level Excellent certification obtained in June 2024!
VIRTUO carried out eco-design and life-cycle analysis studies to identify ways of reducing the project's carbon footprint. The use of glued laminated timber for the framework of the warehouse and offices, biosourced insulation, virtuous materials for the finishing work, paint based on biosourced resins and renewable components in aqueous phase, flooring made from 98% natural materials, low-carbon concrete, reduction in the mass of refrigerant and the use of FDES (Fiche de Déclaration Environnementale et Sanitaire) referenced products are among the actions implemented throughout the V.PARK Chevrolière construction project.
In collaboration with our architect AECO, our project manager AREA and the environmental consultancy INGEA, we have worked meticulously on the technologies to be used, the choice of materials, the quality of the green spaces and the living areas.
Finally, VIRTUO INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY has obtained BREEAM Excellent certification for this new-generation building.
Our aim: to reduce and restore its carbon footprint.
Almost a year after the first tree was planted on the V.PARK Chevrolière building, VIRTUO has reduced the project's carbon footprint by 20%. In parallel with these various impact reduction levers, VIRTUO has also initiated a complementary action to restore the environmental impact of its b timent. Via Reforest'Action and Neosylva, VIRTUO has financed five low-carbon forestry projects in France, helping to store 17,568 TeqCO2 over the next 30 years.
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