E.ON is a European energy company committed to the energy transition, offering a wide range of solutions for decentralized production, decarbonization and energy efficiency.
Against the backdrop of the energy and environmental crisis, E.ON supports property developers, urban planners and local authorities in the development of low-carbon solutions for the production of heat and cooling for :
- eco-neighborhoods and brownfield redevelopment
- business parks and logistics platforms
- new or renovated real estate projects
- for network concessions
We implement solutions for supplying heat and cooling from geothermal energy, grey water heat recovery, industrial waste heat recycling, solar thermal, biomass, PV...
With our ectogrid™ solution we prioritize energy recycling and valorize heat exchanges between b timents according to their needs.
We design, equity finance, build and operate energy infrastructures for our customers and structure business models that meet their technical (zero risk), environmental (zero CO2) and financial (zero Capex) challenges. E.ON is the long-term guarantor of smooth operation, energy price control and environmental performance.
1st ectogrid™ network in the world to be built in Sweden in 2019: scientific campus of 80,000m² of offices and 40,000m² of laboratories powered by a zero-emission low-temperature network.
- French Ministry of the Armed Forces: implementation of an energy performance contract to improve the energy efficiency of the Solenzara air base (energy savings of up to 30%, reduction in GHG emissions of 55% and achievement of a RE rate of at least 50%); replacement of an oil-fired boiler plant by biomass from sustainably managed forests and areas, and by a hybrid solar thermal and photovoltaic field.
- Magasins Généraux High Environmental Quality district in Reims: in partnership with Aménagement et Territoires, a subsidiary of Kaufman & Broad, implementation of an ectogrid tempered water loop based on geothermal energy to supply future housing, office and teaching buildings with heat and cooling; 70% local and renewable or recovered energy; 760teqCO2 avoided per year. ectogrid™ implemented since 2019 in Sweden at Medicon Village won the "Energy Transition Changemakers" award at the last climate conference (COP28) distinguishing itself among around 1,000 other innovative energy transition projects.
- Université de Rennes campus Beaulieu: chilled water plant with heat recovery
- More than 60 financed decarbonation projects (CPE and green PPA) implemented and operated at our customers' sites in France since 2016.
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