Cycles Élus, Solutions et Territoires Ile-de-France et Grand Paris
Monday, October 7, 2:30 to 4:45 pm

co-organized with

SIBCA puts the spotlight on territories and their decarbonization initiatives.

The Cycles Élus, Solutions et Territoires Ile-de-France and Grand Paris consist of presentations by elected officials on the low-carbon transformation of emblematic projects. Elected officials will take part in a short, dynamic 15-minute pitch to present the results of their "decarbonized" city or territory, and their needs in terms of solutions to achieve their objectives.

Introduction :

  • Jacques-Alain BénistiVice-president of the Greater Paris Metropolis in charge of "Inventons la métropole du Grand Paris" and major metropolitan operations, Mayor of Villiers-sur-Marne
  • Nicolas Bauquet, Managing Director, Institut Paris Région
  • Richard Curnier, Regional Manager Ile-de-France - Banque des Territoires

The duets :

15h-15h15 :

  • Paul Jarquin, Rei habitat and Jérôme Coumet, Mayor of the 13th arrondissement of Paris

15h15-15h30 :

  • Marie-Odile Farineau, Director of the SCET network and Denis Larghero, Mayor of Meudon

15:30-15:45 :

  • Ariane Bouleau, Managing Director of Pariseine and Doan Lebel, urban planning advisor to Anne Hidalgo

15h45-16h : Accelerating the decarbonization of cities with UrbanPrint software: Demonstration with the Athletes' Village

  • Morgane Colombert, Director of Studies & Partnerships at Efficacity and Antoine du Souich, Director of Strategy and Innovation at Solideo.

16h-16h45 :
How can municipalities finance the low-carbon trajectory?

  • Jean-Philippe Gautraismayor of Fontenay-sous-Bois (Val-de-Marne)
  • Pascal Pelain, mayor of Villeneuve-la-Garenne (Hauts-de-Seine, France)
  • Matthew Wendeln, Project Director, Efficacity

For further information, please contact :

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