For the past 70 years, Action Logement, a key player in social and intermediary housing in France, has been committed to facilitating access to housing in order to promote employment. Action Logement manages the "Participation des Employeurs à l'Effort de Construction" (PEEC) on a parity basis, in favor of employee housing, corporate performance and regional attractiveness, particularly in the heart of medium-sized towns. Thanks to its local presence, close to companies and their employees, its 20,000 employees carry out two main missions in the field Building and financing social and intermediate housing, with priority given to tense areas, while contributing to the challenges of eco-housing, energy savings and decarbonization, urban renewal and social diversity. The Action Logement group has 45 Entreprises Sociales pour l'Habitat, 5 intermediate housing subsidiaries and a portfolio of over one million homes. Its second mission is to support employees in their residential and professional mobility. The Group is particularly committed to providing assistance and services that facilitate access to housing, and therefore to employment, for its beneficiaries, whether they are young workers, mobile employees or those in difficulty.
Find out more about the Group:
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Comprising 8 axes and 20 commitments, the energy savings and decarbonization plan defines the conditions required to implement a rapid energy transition.
The Action Logement group is committed to achieving Zero Net Emissions by 2040, 10 years ahead of the target set by the French National Low Carbon Strategy.
In November 2022, it presented an action plan for energy savings and decarbonization to achieve this goal.
The aim of this plan is to implement a rapid energy transition, both for construction and the maintenance and renovation of existing assets, with the goal of reducing carbon emissions by 55% by 2030, and moving towards carbon neutrality by 2040, while pursuing a social objective of combating fuel poverty.
Action Logement's plan for energy savings and decarbonization meets the objectives of the French Climate and Resilience Act, which follows on from the conclusions of the Paris Agreement. Drawn up by the Social Partners, the Plan comprises 20 commitments and is structured around the following 8 areas of action:
Amplify renovation to decarbonize the housing stock and improve housing quality;
Towards a low-carbon, low-cost energy mix;
Decarbonizing construction;
Act on uses to save energy;
Promote sober land use;
Store carbon and develop biodiversity;
Encourage and support all players;
Monitoring and communicating.
Our real estate subsidiaries are fully committed to achieving this objective.
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