An inspection body present throughout France.
Founded in 1988, Alpes Contrôles is an independent inspection body with a network of over 65 agencies throughout France. It acts as a trusted third party in the field of risk reduction for the health and safety of people, the security of property, the reduction of environmental damage, and the general comfort and well-being of the population. It operates in 3 business areas: Construction & Operation, Training and Organic Certification.
A family business with an innovative social project
Alpes Contrôles defines itself as a company of the non-violent economy. It uses responsibility as a principle and promotes ethics, respect and commitment as values. The company's project is based on support, quality and innovation for both customers and employees.
Committed to environmental protection
We have chosen to put the expertise of our employees at the service of sustainable development and energy transition. To better support its partners, it has created two centers of expertise dedicated to wood construction, bio-sourced and geo-sourced materials, and renewable energies (wind power, photovoltaics, hydroelectricity, biomethanization), which are fully conversant with the issues and problems associated with these fields.
Alpes Contrôles was involved in the construction of the Cité des Vins et des Climats in Beaune, an ambitious project combining structural prowess and the use of ancestral materials.
To significantly improve the environmental balance of buildings, reusing materials is an effective solution. In concrete terms, this means reusing existing materials and equipment as much as possible for the same purpose as they were used prior to deconstruction.
The principle of reuse corresponds in every respect to the values of Alpes Contrôles. Indeed, environmental responsibility holds a very special place in its corporate project. That's why we help our customers to reduce the environmental impact of their worksites by taking an unprejudiced approach to the implementation of innovative, more sustainable solutions: renewable energies, wood construction and bio-sourced materials, etc. Internally, Alpes Contrôles favors rational consumption, notably through recycling and short distribution channels. In this sense, reuse, which contributes greatly to the promotion of a circular and local economy, is directly in line with its vision.
For several years now, Alpes Contrôles has been supporting its customers in this virtuous approach, which has an impact on several of its activities: reuse/waste diagnostics, and taking account of reuse in the acceptability of products as part of its Building Inspection missions.
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