ecoXia is an innovative green building company.
Founded in 2011, ecoXia makes it possible to build all types of new low-carbon, high-comfort and cost-effective buildings, thanks to its unique Intelligent Envelope technology.
The Intelligent Envelope (IE) is a design-build construction system based on 4 pillars: PASSIVE, BIOSOURCE, OFF-SITE PREFABRICATION and DIGITAL JUMEAU.
This means that EI can be used to build individual, collective or tertiary residential buildings that are passive or RE2020, and even RE2020 SEUIL 2031!
Aerial view of the building, France's first PassivHaus-certified ALSH in 2021.
Oissery Leisure Center (77).
France's 1st Passivhaus-labeled ALSH. Inaugurated in February 2022.
Prix Régional de la Construction Bois 2022.
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