A committed player in the real estate and construction sector, GA Smart Building has chosen to place environmental, social and societal issues at the heart of its #weBuildforLife strategy: building for life and developing projects that have a positive impact. The Group offers a comprehensive, integrated range of products and services, capable of imagining, designing and building the intelligent, sustainable buildings that will shape the cities of tomorrow. GA's historical uniqueness lies in the off-site construction process it has developed, with factory manufacture of structural and facade components and equipment. This makes GA Smart Building a French pioneer in the off-site industry that is emerging worldwide. This perfectly mastered industrial process is implemented in the Group's 9 French plants. The industrialization of construction also makes it possible to reduce the duration of worksites, minimize nuisance as much as possible, make better use of waste that is entirely recycled in the plant, offer optimum working and safety conditions, and improve the carbon impact of worksites. It is also a guarantee of perfect quality of execution and respect for commitments, in terms of deadlines and prices. Since 2017, Group employees have held a 60% stake in GA Smart Building. Their presence in the company's capital gives special meaning to its actions and enables it to control its destiny. In 2022, GA Smart Building launched Rooj by GA, the first brand of low-carbon housing built off-site.
GA Smart Building is a committed French player in real estate and construction. The Group employs 800 people, the majority of whom are 60% shareholders.
For many years, GA Smart Building teams have been innovating and thinking every day about improving the carbon impact of their activities. In 2015, the Group delivered the 1st BEPOS building in France, its former Agua headquarters in Toulouse. From the outset, it took part in the E+C- Label experiments that foreshadowed the RE2020. In 2018, GA acquired Ossabois to develop low-carbon 100% wood or mixed wood/concrete modular construction processes. In 2020, the Group is developing Atom Wood, an off-site mixed wood/concrete floor, winner of the Programme d'investissements d'avenir (PIA) call for innovations launched by ADEME and awarded the "coup de coeur" mention by the Hub des Prescripteurs Bas Carbone, led by the Institut Français de la Performance du B timent (IFPEB). GA has also developed Atom Concrete +, carbon-reduced concrete slabs with cork. This will be followed by the creation of the Smart Active System Lab in 2023, to measure performance and continuously improve the Smart Active System, a combination of air treatment modules and active slabs. The solution combines local, renewable and low-carbon energies to make the most of the cost/carbon potential of each source, while taking into account the building's inertia and periods of vacancy, and deploying predictive control thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning. This project has been supported by the France 2030 Investment Plan operated by ADEME, and is being carried out in partnership with CSTB.
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