As a facade builder, we design, manufacture, install and maintain glazed facades in block panels or ch ssis. As a general envelope contractor, we offer tailor-made solutions for new or renovated, high-performance, low-carbon facades.
Renovation of the facades of the Ariane Tower at La Défense. Installation of a new glazed facade to comply with the tertiary sector decree, while respecting the architectural image.
The envelope in commercial building renovation
The facade is an important element in the construction of a b tment, playing an important role in the "new or renewed" debate. Many of the commercial buildings being considered for redevelopment feature obsolete curtain walls with inadequate energy performance. Renovating these façades is essential not only to improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs, but also to enhance overall performance, the aesthetic appeal of the b tment and meet the longer-term horizons of the tertiary sector decree. However, the cost of a new facade, the associated carbon footprint and the possibility of retaining occupants all need to be factored into the equation.
Roundtable discussion bringing together leading experts to discuss the overall impact of decisions in the design of new facades in the renovation of tertiary b t buildings. Topics will include:
- Regulatory constraints,
- The need to modernize envelope and image to meet sustainability standards and objectives,
- Environmental benefits,
- Financial returns from improved envelope performance.
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