Ethiket, a consulting firm since 2020, combines financial performance and positive societal impact in the real estate sector. Their mission is to educate and train players in this sector to reduce their ecological footprint and improve their social impact, thus integrating global issues into their daily practices.
An Ethiket subsidiary called Ethicapp (the one we'll be presenting on our stand), scheduled for launch on 29/02/2024, responds to a relevant market need. It focuses on the energy challenge for asset investors, in particular on field data collection and extra-financial reporting. Its aim is to help steer investments towards more sustainable trajectories, by integrating existing asset action plans.
Ethicapp acts as a bridge between technical experts and financial reporting, facilitating decision-making and responsible investment management.
As indicated in the comments, this home page is currently being updated to meet customers' operational needs.
The Ethicapp solution is designed for real estate investors, offering them a method for presenting extra-financial reporting indicators in the form of a carbon trajectory (CRREM type).
Ethicapp's innovation on the market lies in the simplification and reliability of the data that feeds this trajectory, as well as in the management of the corresponding investment decisions and reports that comply with financial regulations.
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