WELCOME TO PROPLINK, the Phygital and Collaborative Professional Organization serving the City, Life and Future of Our Society.
As a catalyst for environmental, social, governance and digital transitions, our mission is to support players in the real estate and city industries in driving change and transforming their professional practices.
Why choose PROPLINK?
PROPLINK stands out for its ability to unite and mobilize the various players around transformation and sustainable development. We offer practical, innovative solutions to meet the contemporary challenges facing the real estate industry.
Join us and play an active part in building a better future for our cities and our society.
Master the basics or become an expert in carbon neutrality? A training academy tailored to the needs of real estate and construction professionals.
How can we meet the environmental and social challenges that impact every real estate professional on a daily basis?
Here's the answer in 4 actions: surround yourself, train, inform yourself and pass on.
The solutions offered by PROPLINK enable you to pivot and imagine the sustainable future of cities and regions:
- Awareness: Take part in our conferences and site visits to learn about the new challenges facing our businesses.
- Collaboration: Join our network to imagine together the city and real estate of tomorrow, by exchanging ideas with your peers.
- Qualiopi certification: Our independent training academy is Qualiopi-certified, guaranteeing you the highest level of quality.
- Double Specialty: Benefit from our unique expertise in real estate and sustainable development for customized training tailored to your specific needs.
- Workgroups: Change is embodied in our collective intelligence workshops, focusing on Environmental, Social, Governance and Digital transformations.
- Advocacy: Are you passionate about transformation issues? So are we! Take part in writing content and advocacy to drive change and be read by the PROPLINK community.
- Mentoring program: We support gr Master II students through our mentoring program, facilitating their professional integration.
- Career guidance and promotion: We work with middle schools, high schools and higher education establishments to help students discover and promote careers in urban and regional development.
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